Monday, May 24, 2010

Pastor Manning Shows Us How It's Done

Pastor James David Manning of the Atlah World Ministries in Harlem, New York put the Tenth Amendment to work. He arranged for a citizens' trial to examine evidence that Obama did not attended Columbia University, that Columbia concealed knowledge and aided in the obstruction of justice, and that Obama is not an American citizen. The five-day trial ended with indictments against Columbia and Obama.

It is fortunate for America that Manning is a resident of Harlem who attended Columbia during the Obama-claimed years of the early 1980s. As one familiar with the neighborhood during that time, I knew that the address Obama gave was suspicious. The area was going co-op and it would have cost a fortune and a letter-of-introduction to get a place around there. Columbia owns Harlem properties - like the piece of rock that the projects sat on right off the #2's 125th & Broadway stop. Last time I was in the city was the nine-eleven year and I didn't get up there for a close inspection but I'm certain an office building sits there now. The usual game - lease non-renewal in a private-public venture.

Manning knows Harlem and Columbia as well as he knows his responsibilities as a pastor and his duty as an American citizen. With a small investigative team (three plus himself) he uncovered pertinent documents and credible witnesses. Subpoenas issued to Obama, Columbia officials and every other politically-connected individual were refused. There was a cast of reluctant witnesses. A potential witness was assassinated. Pastor remained steadfast.

These highlights were culled courtesy of the subject index at Rense:

Pastor Manning outlines his pre-trial case on YouTube.

Pre-trial interview transcript of Manning by Sharon Rondeau of the Post & Email (short version here).

A head's up: The skirmish video is a waste of viewing time; a loud-mouth engages the foolish (or the naive perhaps).

Michael P. Richard's day one of the trial at wakeup2010.blogspot

Coverage from a group using the blogspot "obamareleaseyourrecords" for days two, three, four, and five of the trial.

Guilty Verdict Press Conference.'s big contribution was Alex "War Room" Pareene's two-part peek that
ended in a link after a few digs at the pastor.

Anthony J. Martin of the suddenly popular reported on the trial. His conclusions:

Obviously the event was a 'public' rather than a 'court' trial. No court sanctioned it. The legality of public trials apart from court sanction has not been established. While the Constitution does, indeed, maintain that the ultimate power of government rests with 'we, the people,' and while a case can be made that under the 10th amendment the people, acting under the auspices of local and state authorities, can engage in certain acts of self-governance apart from the sanction and control of the federal government, it has not been established that any local entity in Harlem granted state or local legal status to the trial.
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But if action is taken and an official investigation ensues, then perhaps the goal of this event will have been met. The problem is that under the present circumstances it is next to impossible for that to happen. Holder is Obama's choice and Congress is held in the grip of Obama's Party. End of story.
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Serious unanswered questions remain however--questions that the trial did an excellent job of bringing to the surface.
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The fact is we may never know for sure unless somebody in authority in the government decides to investigate and discover the answers.
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The odds are that the country is in grave danger.

A regular Edward R. Murrow he is.