Monday, August 29, 2011

Good Night Irene?

Vermont ain't singing that song yet.

Dog Days Musings

A social experiment for the twenty-first century: Take a 16-year-old working class kid and offer him the gift of a higher education. If the idea catches on, we can send our youngsters to corporate-public training schools where they will learn to manage less-educated human resources in the fine fields of food microwaving, cleaning bathrooms in a convenience service station, stocking shelves at China marts, and communication-wringing the last cent out of the public. It's either that or the military (which includes cops, border patrol, security and every other fancy-named law enforcement official). Sure, some lucky youngsters will go elsewhere and beyond but not many and we all know it.

Libya. Jesus Christ. (Yes, you read me right - and I ask Christians everywhere, WWJD?). They must think us fools to believe that NATO is not the new face of the U.S. military aka the new world order.

Homeland Security. Is everyone aware that a citizen can no longer enter a federal building with out pre-approval? Should a foreigner glance at the rights being curtailed by the American government under the guise of national security or dignitary protection, could they not build a case every bit as newsworthy as those built against 'rogue nations'? A protester in the land of the free must be prepared to be arrested and pay a fine while crossing their fingers that a home-sec employee didn't have a bad morning with their significant other. One wonders why law enforcement has increasingly become more armed and bullet-proofed rather than trained in martial arts non-violent defense and disarmament techniques. Little money to be made from the latter - pure and simple.

It's official: Torture works.

Iceland. Land of the free for a moment or two.

Madame Secretary's man is still his old crafty self.


Social Security is not an entitlement
. We paid for it.