Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Testing the Servants

A Reuters' photo headline heaves that Nancy Pelosi has the "biggest test" coming up. Clearly this means that Ms. Speaker made passing grades on the alliance test, the leadership test and the toughest test. A short graze through the speaker's website unearthed no mention of the looming biggest nor were there scores available for the other tests. Daughter Pelosi is presumably very proud and profited however there is no mention of daughter either, except in the biographical-referenced group of "five grown children". Cue Jordan Maxwell: What goes on behind the scenes in front of our faces is none of our business. Alas, so there appears pretty pictures and snippets of glowing earnestness at each and every one of the websites of our public servants - with barely a wisp of honesty or trace of factual information.

"The American people" are neither engaged nor educated at the websites of our legislators. Few representatives bother to put up a poll of any sort even though such technology is the straightest pipeline to the people and their trends. Not only are they poll shy, they're link shy too: There are no free puzzle pieces. There are no outlines and discussions of pending legislation. Accomplishments are manufactured and failures blamed away in Kodak moments. Calendars and itineraries are misleading - outside engagements for fun or profit during congressional business hours are unreported.

Drug testing is one examination that is not required of our legislators. This particular test is exclusively on-demand for all other American "employees". The lawmakers apparently deemed themselves and their jobs exempt from the rewards so beautifully articulated by public relations geniuses:

Employee drug testing ensures prevailing of drug free workplace environment that promotes positive attributes like work culture, professionalism, employee productivity, safety etc. Conducting employee drug testing at workplaces curbs the drug abuse among the employees and helps to create a safe and productive work environment. Employee drug testing helps organizations to find drug abusing employees and save considerable amount given towards employee health care and compensation.

Taxpayers are burdened with ridiculous and outrageously high invoices for congressional health care benefits. Why are drug tests not demanded from our highest paid servants, the very ones who found favor with the procedure and enacted it into law? Moreover, is this not a serious deficiency in homeland security protocol?